Kingscliff High School

Achievement through Endeavour

Telephone02 6674 9777

Sports and physical activity

Sport and physical activity is a valued and accepted part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning and is an important expression of our culture.

The participation, enjoyment and skill development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program. All our students take part in this program.

There are also opportunities to represent our school at inter-school sports competitions. As a NSW public school we benefit from the opportunities for shared activities and competitions with other schools, coordinated by school sport associations. See the School Sport Unit website for details.

See also

PDHPE - Personal development, health and physical education

Sports Ex- Targeted Sports Program

Kingscliff High School Sports Excellence

In 2025, talented, developing and aspiring athletes at KHS will have the opportunity to apply for one of the following-

  1. The Talented athlete academic support program (TAASP)
  2. The Talented athlete development program- Strength and conditioning (TADP)
  3. The Targeted sports program (TSP)- Netball, Futsal, Basketball, Girls AFL, Dance

1. Talented athlete academic support program (TAASP)

The Talented Athlete Academic Support Program is designed for young athletes who-

  • Play at a high level in their chosen sport e.g. Regional level or higher, training most days of the week.
  • Play at a high level in their chosen sport, training most days of the week but in a sport where representative teams may not exist e.g. dance.
  • Play and train in one or more sports, training most days of the week and for at least 10 hours during weekdays.

The Talented Athlete Academic Support Program aims to provide young athletes with the opportunity to pursue sporting excellence in a supportive educational environment with the flexibility to accommodate both sport and school commitments.

In order to assist young athletes cope with their sport and academic commitments, successful applicants will have the opportunity to-

  • Access academic support in the school library on Wednesdays in lieu of attending internal school sport


  • Sign out at the start of lunch times on Wednesdays in lieu of attending internal school sport to study at HOME, train or to recover.

Successful applicants will also be required to attend ONE presentation per term from a guest speaker.


KHS Sports Excellence programs operate under a user pays system. That is, KHS receives no government funding to operate the programs. All participants in the TAASP must therefore make an OPTIONAL annual contribution towards the program of $75 (cost of uniform) to assist with recovering some of the costs associated with funding such a program.

2. Talented athlete development program- Strength and conditioning (TADP)

The TADP- Strength and conditioning, is designed to contribute to the development of 20 identified talented young athletes who-

  • Play at a high level in their chosen sport e.g. District level or higher.
  • Play at a high level in their chosen sport, but in a sport where representative teams may not exist e.g. dance.
  • Play and train in one or more sports, training most days of the week and for at least 10 hours during weekdays.

In order to contribute to the development of talented young athletes, the TADP will focus on strength and conditioning. In doing so this will ensure-

  1. The relevance of the program for all young athletes, regardless of their sporting pursuits.
  2. Improvements in key sporting attributes such as speed, agility, strength, power, endurance, mobility, stability, balance, durability and so on.
  3. Improved injury prevention.
  4. Quicker recovery from injury.


The cost of the 2025 TADP- Strength and Conditioning for successful young athletes will be $225 ($150 Program cost, $75 uniform cost) and will be due prior to receiving uniforms.

In 2025 this fee will include-

  • Access to Xcell Health and Fitness every Wednesday during sport for 40 weeks.
  • Strength and conditioning programs, updated every 5 weeks and tailored to your specific sporting needs.
  • Mobility work.
  • Direct supervision from suitably qualified staff at Xcell Health and Fitness.
  • Ongoing testing and monitoring of aerobic fitness levels.
  • Sports Excellence training shorts and shirt.
  • Attendance ONCE a term at a presentation by a guest speaker.


3. Targeted sports program (TSP)

The TSP is designed to contribute to the development of squads of 20 identified aspiring young athletes, by providing them with a variety of sport specific learning experiences throughout the year.

In 2025 the TSP will focus on the sports of-

  • AFL (Girls)

In order to contribute to the development of aspiring young athletes, TSP athletes will-

  1. Participate in weekly sport specific training that will help develop them in their chosen sport by improving fundamental skills, knowledge and fitness.
  2. Be provided with a variety of opportunities to compete and represent KHS in their chosen sport.
  3. Participate in the Talented athlete academic support program on Wednesdays during internal school sport (Refer TAASP above).
  4. Have access to high quality coaching and development opportunities through affiliated and complementary sporting bodies.
  5. Develop their personal understanding and knowledge of training and health components that build successful athletes.


The cost of the 2025 TSP for successful young athletes will be as follows below. Payment will be due prior to athletes receiving their uniforms.

Program Program Cost Uniform cost* Total cost+
Futsal $100 $75 $175
Basketball $150 $75 $225
Netball $150 $75 $225
AFL (girls) $100 $75 $175
DanceX $150 $75 $225

*Uniform cost includes training shorts and shirt only. Polo shirt is additional if wanted.

+Total cost does NOT include any associated carnival costs.

In 2025 this fee will include-

  • Sport specific training programs:
    • every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30- 8.30am (TBA- days and times may vary due to court availability)- Futsal, Basketball, netball, AFL athletes.
    • Every Wednesday during internal school sport- DanceX athletes.
  • A variety of opportunities to compete and represent KHS in their chosen sport.
  • Participation in the Talented athlete academic support program on Wednesdays during internal school sport (Futsal, Basketball, netball, AFL athletes only)
  • Sports Excellence training shorts and shirt.
  • Attendance once a term at a presentation by a guest speaker.

KHS Sports Excellence eligibility

The KHS Sports Excellence programs are open to all students in Years 7-12. Students who successfully apply for a program will need to-

  • Actively represent KHS in sport throughout the year
  • Demonstrate a commitment to KHS carnivals
  • Commit to school representation at zone, regional and state level where selected
  • Demonstrate a satisfactory record of school conduct
  • Commit to attending all 40 weeks of Wednesday training sessions (TADP- Strength and conditioning athletes only)
  • Maintain a minimum of 85% attendance to remain in their chosen program.

Any young athlete who fails to maintain these requirements may be removed from the program.

Further information about KHS Sports Excellence and its associated programs can be found on the KHS website at (Early 2025)

If you have any questions about any aspects of these KHS Sports Excellence programs please don't hesitate to contact Lucy Fitzhugh for further information.

Application Form